Mercedes-Benz + dancing chickens = viral video marketing Reply

You may have already seen this video. It’s already gotten, as of this writing, 1.8 million views on YouTube. But enjoy it again anyway: Believe it or not, we have a point.

This little upbeat video is brilliant, because it’s funny and a bit weird. It doesn’t feel like an ad. It transcends language (it was made in Germany, where Mercedes is headquartered). When you watch these unflappable chickens being gently puppetmastered to the vocal stylings of Donna Summer, you need others to see it, too.

In other words, it’s viral.

Mercedes has a history of making good branded video content designed to go viral. As we’ve mentioned before, video content is some of the most effective content to drive traffic. In a study measuring the effectiveness of social video advertising, researchers found that after viewing a branded video, people displayed a 97 percent higher purchase intent than those who didn’t watch.

This stat may be a little high for a high price point product like a Mercedes, but surely we can all be inspired by their goofy viral video.

Lynn Esquer/SocialproseLynn Christiansen Esquer is a principal at SocialProse. Email her at

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