The secret to putting your best foot forward in social media? Full immersion 3

Each blog, social media outlet, email platform and inbound marketing property has about a million moving parts. Each requires constant traffic and followers and engagement. Each requires content generation. Each operates differently. So you owe it to yourself to get each one working for you. Laser-like focus on one particular platform over a period of a few weeks will help you learn faster how to make your online marketing more effective on each platform. More…

Twitter is like handing out leaflets in Venice, and other social media musings 1

Twitter to me feels like an open air merchant market in a public square (specifically, I imagine the Piazza San Marco in Venice). Facebook feels like an open house where you’ve put up pictures, made it homey, and friends stop by regularly to chat. LinkedIn reminds me of a giant Chamber of Commerce mixer. I find these mental visuals helpful when I’m trying to decide how best to position a message, post or strategy to fit each network. Do you anything similar? More…