Calculate a social media marketing ROI measurement the C-suite will understand 1

Marketers need to do a better job connecting the dots between their organization’s budget and resource investment, and substantive results: Cost-per-lead, cost-per-conversion. They need to apply social media marketing to the sales funnel, along with any other marketing activities. And they need to demonstrate how social marketing contributes to retention and the lifetime value of customers. So, how to get started calculating ROI? More…

Making the business case for a social media marketing program 1

If your online program can be shown to be beneficial to your business, it will be one that justifies a budget. But how do you build the business case for social? More…

The opposite of ROI: Are you putting your business in jeopardy by being a social media late adopter? 2

The cost of doing nothing, or not enough, should scare businesses more than the commonly referenced downsides to social media. If your customers, prospects and competitors are active on social media, not being active yourself is like choosing to not have a telephone or email account. More…

Social Media ROI

Myths and metrics: How do you measure social media success? 3

Social marketing is just marketing. Its fundamentals are not different, and neither should its metrics be. In fact, its ultimate success should be determined the way every other marketing effort should be: by ROI. More…