marketing fail

The top 6 ways your online presence is failing your marketing goals 1

So much goes into your online presence: Your website functionality and user experience, including its mobility; its ability to be found by search engines; what search engines find when looking for you; and the professionalism (and backlink generation) of your social media and content. If you’re making some of these marketing mistakes, it’s time to fix them — stat! More…

Calling all bloggers: guest bloggers add fresh voice and more reach 9

You also can’t be the eyes and ears of everyone involved in what makes your company or nonprofit newsworthy, so why not open your blog up to other people and their unique experiences that circle back to you? More…

The 4 things that work together to create a successful online marketing program 4

Here at SocialProse, we talk often about how effective social media marketing essentially serves as the delivery system for relevant, high-quality content. But it’s just as true that websites require both content and social media in order to perform with the search engines; and all three types of marketing need to have a strong mobile strategy in our increasingly mobile-connected world. More…